Day 228: Being sick, nutrition class coming up and valentines day love!

11 02 2012

Hey guys

Over the last couple of days I havent been too well, and have had a couple of days off work. Been feeling fluey and all round just run down. Think the long hours and not enough rest is catching up with me. So I haven’t yet been in the pool. But I have been drinking lots and lots of water and have been keeping my portions sizes small and have really been watching what I consume.

Good thing is next week my nutrition classes start up again which I am really excited about. This will really get me motivated and get me back on track cooking healthy nutritious meals full of protein.

On another note. Since I can no longer play my favourite sport (netball) I have decided to manage/co coach a team at college rifles. I am excited as I have only ever coached a school team. This team will be team 4 but will still be grading for Senior A so I am extra excited. I have a meeting tomorrow.

Valentines day is coming up and I hope you all have something planned for your loved one! And if you are lucky enough to be free, single and loving your independent life…good on ya! Make the most of not having to spend money on roses and chocolates just yet!!

Love always






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